Friday, October 19, 2007

Sensei Anang Alibasyah

Sensei Anang Alibasyah (Alm) sedang memimpin upacara pada kegiatan Kushin Ryu Karate Do Indonesia di Bandung.
Sensei Anang Alibasyah (the late) leaded the ceremony at the activity of Kushin Ryu Karate Do Indonesia in Bandung.

Sensei Sofyan Hambally (Ketiga dari Kiri) dan Keluarga bersama Soke Horyu Matsuzaki (kelima dari Kiri) berfoto di depan Logo KKI - Cabang Kopo - Jl. Kopo Cetarip Bandung.

Sensei Sofyan Hambally (third from Left) and The Families together with Soke Horyu Matsuzaki (Fifth from the Left) take photos in front of the Logo of KKI at Jl. Kopo Cetarip - Bandung West Java - Indonesia.